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NEW ONLINE Silver Metal Clay MEGA Course

21 easy to watch videos, packed with silver metal clay techniques, created to take you from a nervous novice to an enthusiastic silver metal clay jeweller in no time at all!


Maryellen Siegel

"I am loving every course and pdf I have ever purchased from you! I love your calm way of teaching. The videos are beautiful to look at and the instructions are clear as a bell! Making things alongside you is such a treat! I can't wait for more !"




Want to make silver metal clay jewellery but don't know where to begin?

I've created this Silver Metal Clay MEGA course so that wherever you live in the world, you can learn how to make your own silver metal clay jewellery

  • Find out what tools and materials you need to get started
  • See every process in easy to watch, step-by-step videos
  • Learn from the comfort of your own home with access online 24/7

What's Included...

Introduction - 1 video

Introduction to the MEGA course

I imagine you're as excited as I am about joining in with my first ONLINE course. Here you'll find everything you need in easy to watch videos, which explain (yes, it's me talking!) you through the techniques, tools, materials and processes that you need to get started making your own jewellery using silver metal clay. 

  • Perfect for beginners
  • Great for anyone who wants to build their confidence using silver metal clay
  • Split into separate videos so you won't feel overloaded with too much to learn at once!
Main Project - 10 videos

Seashell Jewellery

You'll make beautiful seashell pendant and a pair of matching earrings. 

  • Make a mould from a seashell
  • What tools & materials do you need?
  • Using silver metal clay to make a pendant
  • How to choose and use cutters
  • Make seashell earrings
  • Filing and finishing techniques
  • Filing your earring pieces
  • The technique of torch firing
  • Polishing tips and tricks
  • Using pliers and adding findings to make into ready-to-wear jewellery

You’ll finish this course with a beautiful pendant and matching seashell earrings.

BONUS Project - 6 videos

Celestial Jewellery

BONUS PROJECT - why make one project when you can make two! Make a beautiful set which includes a moon pendant and tiny stars earrings.

  • How to use textures and cutters to make a pendant and earrings using silver metal clay
  • How to file your pieces
  • How to torch fire
  • Polishing your moon pendant
  • Polishing your earrings, plus tips and tricks
  • Use findings to make into ready-to-wear jewellery

You'll learn a few different techniques in this project, including using textures and cutters to create more beautiful pieces of jewellery.

Tools & Materials - 4 videos

Tools & Materials

There's something comforting about sitting down with everything you need and starting to make jewellery. This section includes lists and videos to show you what you will need to get started making silver metal clay jewellery.

  • What you will need to start your first project
  • The tools and materials you'll need for filing and finishing
  • Everything you need for torch firing safely at home
  • Your Guide to polishing your first piece and what you'll need to make into ready-to-wear jewellery

You’ll finish this course with so many ideas and will be ready for course no 2!

Can't make it to one of my workshops? This ONLINE MEGA course is for you...

  • Expert tuition, packed with technique and top tips
  • 21 step-by-step videos to watch over and over again
  • A complete course!

I'm Anna Davenport

I'm a silver metal clay Ninja! If you follow me on instagram then you'll know that I love using silver metal clay to make beautiful jewellery. My reels have over 8 million views!

I am a trained silversmith, silver metal clay tutor and winner of the Muddy Stilettos Award for Best Jeweller for Glos and Worcs in 2022.

I started writing Silver Metal Clay Guides in September 2023 and began teaching workshops in the Cotswolds, here in the UK. Many of you, who couldn't attend my workshops, wrote to ask if I could write an online course  - so here it is!

My MEGA course will help you learn the basic techniques and give you the confidence to use silver metal clay to make your own beautiful jewellery.

Want to join me?

 When my students leave my workshops, having made at least two pieces of silver metal clay jewellery, they are buzzing with excitement. That's how you'll feel when you have completed your pieces and finished this MEGA course!

Of course, your silver metal clay journey is never really finished. Use this course as inspiration for your next piece and keep coming back to revisit the videos and techniques.

All the best, Anna x