You have to start somewhere and these 3 GUIDES will give you all the confidence that you need to get started using silver metal clay to make your own jewellery.
32 packed pages in 101 of the Most Asked Silver Metal Clay Questions Guide
22 packed pages in Silver Metal Clay 3D Moulding Guide
15 packed pages in the NEW QUICK GUIDE to Torch Fireable Silver Metal Clays Guide
These are PDF downloadable Guides, which are e-books, packed with technique and top tips. Read them on your phone, on your computer or print them off. They include lots of full colour photographs but don't include video content.
If you place an order, PLEASE CHECK your emails (junk too!) because you should receive an email confirming your purchase, along with LINKS TO DOWNLOAD YOUR GUIDES in PDF format.
Don't keep putting it off - start making your own silver metal clay jewellery TODAY!